Vivid Games presented preliminary results for February. The company has already generated over PLN 5 million in revenue this year.


Vivid Games presented preliminary results for February.

The company has already generated over PLN 5 million in revenue this year.

Real Boxing 2 remains the key title for the generated results. Revenues in February amounted to PLN 2.24 million (+ 36% y-o-y). They were lower than in January due to the shorter month and the featuring of Real Boxing 2 in sales channels that ended in January. The February net result was mainly charged with user acquisition investments and amounted to PLN -270 thousand. Due to the repayment of the next arrangement installment, there was PLN 2.5 million on the Company's accounts at the end of the month. The company invests in the development of current and future titles.

Real Boxing 2 recorded sales in February of nearly USD 0.35 million. “Revenues for February are lower than in January, but importantly, key indicators, such as ARPU, were kept at a high level. In February, wed our expansion towards new distribution channels. We verify the possibilities offered to our brand by Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok, but we expect the impact of these activities on revenues within a few months. In March, users will have the opportunity to participate in as many as two live ops campaigns. The former will offer the character of the well-known Manny Pacquiao, the latter will feature a new attractive boxer. We expect a positive reception. The internal store in the game will receive significant reconstruction, which is crucial for monetization based on micropayments." - emphasizes Bartosz Biniecki, product owner of the Real Boxing brand at Vivid Games.

Vivid Games also verifies the impact of the war in Ukraine on the company's situation. “The last two weeks and the outbreak of the war beyond our eastern border have cost us all a lot of stress. Our employees have put a lot of effort and resources to help in various ways. As an employer, we have also taken the necessary steps to provide all kinds of support for all employees who need it. We have also facilitated the recruitment of candidates from Ukraine. We are constantly considering scenarios for expressing additional support for Ukraine. As for the impact of the war on sales revenues, it is not significant. Distribution in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus accounted for a small percentage of our revenues. We anticipate that the conflict may have a slightly greater impact on the rates for displaying ad formats, but the current fluctuations are not significant here either. The currently high USD and EUR exchange rates have a positive effect on the Company's results. " - emphasizes Piotr Gamracy, member of the Vivid Games Management Board.

The company is working not only on its current portfolio but also on its new own title and publishing projects. “We are at the stage of finalizing the concept of our own game and prototyping the main gameplay loop. In the second quarter, we plan to finish testing prototypes and focus on development. We also have some promising titles in the various stages of the publishing program's evaluation. In the second quarter, we will announce which of them we will develop. " - adds Piotr Gamracy.