Vivid Games is expanding the portfolio. Premiere of Gravity Rider Zero in August.


In the third quarter to distribution on mobile platforms iOS and Android will land Gravity Rider Zero –continuation of racing brand. New title will characterize gameplay and much more enriched  content in comparison with the last one.

In the second screening of Gravity Rider brand will be at least 20 vehicles, over 100 routes and unique, personalized collections. Monetization of Gravity Rider Zero will be based on a advertisment formats, subscribction and the ability of direct purchase of a single vehicles.

- We are going forward players expectations and we follow the market trends. The biggest asset of the brand is based on physics, refined in a smallest gameplay details presenting motocycle races. Gravity Rider Zero is mainly focused on gameplay, simplifies progression of a player and structure of  meta-game – Remigiusz Kościelny informs, CEO of Vivid Games. With new title we hope for  to reach  to as many players as we can, as if  in a bigger step based on a well performed  advertisment monetization, which additionally we will prop up  with an offert of subscribtion – Kościelny continues.

Published in III quarter of 2018, produced by cracow’s studio Fontes Sp. z o.o. Gravity Rider landed till now to almost 6 mln players around the world. Game is available on Apple App Store, Google Play and in alternative distribution canals. Gravity Rider Zero likewise first part will be published within publishing program.

Potencial and the abilities of progress of this brand are big, that’s why we plan it’s development, both in matters of new thematic versions, as in whenever possible new equipment platforms. – Kościelny continues.

- We are going forward players expectations and we follow the market trends. The biggest asset of the brand is based on physics, refined in a smallest gameplay details presenting motocycle races. Gravity Rider Zero is mainly focused on gameplay, simplifies progression of a player and structure of  meta-game – Remigiusz Kościelny informs, CEO of Vivid Games. With new title we hope for  to reach  to as many players as we can, as if  in a bigger step based on a well performed  advertisment monetization, which additionally we will prop up  with an offert of subscribtion – Kościelny continues.

Published in III quarter of 2018, produced by cracow’s studio Fontes Sp. z o.o. Gravity Rider landed till now to almost 6 mln players around the world. Game is available on Apple App Store, Google Play and in alternative distribution canals. Gravity Rider Zero likewise first part will be published within publishing program.

Potencial and the abilities of progress of this brand are big, that’s why we plan it’s development, both in matters of new thematic versions, as in whenever possible new equipment platforms – Kościelny continues.